by lakecountry | Jul 13, 2018 | Announcements, Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Jim Taylor
“This is the 1172th column I have written for the Lake Country Calendar newspaper. In the autumn of 1995, Jack McCarthy called me. ‘How’d you like to write a column for us?’ he asked. That’s how it began. Jack was the owner and publisher...
by lakecountry | May 27, 2016 | Announcements, Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Natural History, Thomson, Carol
The vision of a recreational corridor depends on residents digging deep. Fundraising for the Okanagan Rail Trail between Coldstream and Kelowna began Tuesday, May 17, 2016 with the launch of a $7.86 million campaign. “This is a lot of money. However, if we each...