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Donate to the Lake Country

Museum & Archives

Through your donation the Society can tell Lake Country’s story…your story!

Presenting Our Past. Illuminating Our Future.

The Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society is a non-profit registered charitable organization that operates the Lake Country Museum & Archives. When Okanagan Centre School closed in 1984 the community rallied to save the 1932 built schoolhouse from being sold. They were successful and created a community museum showcasing the vibrant history of Lake Country.

Make a Donation

Be part of Lake Country’s story! Make a lasting impact and donate today.

Read Our Blog

Embark on a journey through the latest insights, expert tips, and captivating stories on our blog. Here, we share valuable content meticulously curated to inspire and inform our community. Follow the path to discovery and join us on this enriching exploration. 

Join Our Events

Immerse yourself in a world of cultural exploration and discovery by joining our Museum events, where each experience promises to inspire and captivate.

Contact Us

Whether you’re eager to volunteer, seeking information, or have suggestions for our Museum or website, feel free to reach out anytime.

Our Mission

Our mission is to “Tell the story of Lake Country’s region, while providing an oppourtunity to learn through research, education, and collaboration.”

Our Vision

Since its inception in 1985, the Lake Country Museum & Archives has been active in collecting, preserving and presenting to the public, artifacts, manuscripts and photographs documenting the history of Lake Country. 

Our Generous Supporters

The Lake Country Heritage and Cultural Society extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following sponsors for their generous support.