
Do you need a recipe for some wartime Christmas Cheer? How about trying a “George and Frank Cocktail” or a “Marpole Slug”?

Recently, Museum volunteer, Elaine Pybus, discovered this cocktail recipe in a letter written in 1945 and found in the Rainbow Ranche collection. The letter, from Frank Smith, was forwarded to the Directors of the Vernon Fruit Union by John White.


TO DIRECTORS:                                                                                                         January 7, 1945.

     Herewith please find copy of letter which we received and which we think will be of some interest to you, if not for the present time, perhaps for future use.

                                                                                                                   John White.


I am thinking you would be interested to know of a use to which we put your “OK” Apple Juice for the so called Festive Season.

With the Gin – terrible of taste and action – easy to get and the usual cocktail ingredients unavailable, we experimented with mixtures for a palatable and reasonably potent combination. After trying gingerale, 7-up, soda, coca cola, etc. for this edition to secure volume, my good friend, George Bell, decided to try your apple juice. The result was real success. We told our friends about it and they adopted our recipes for the two mixtures, which we had named “The George and Frank Cocktail” and “Marpole Slug” (we live in Marpole.)

Herewith are the recipes which you may use in any way you desire.

George and Frank Cocktail

          Gin     26 oz.

          Sherry (Australian)     26 oz.

          Apple Juice     48 oz.

Shake thoroughly for about five minutes, put into bottles and set outside one night until ready to serve. Juice of one lime or lemon may be added. When serving, cut rind of lemon about 1/4 ” in width, cut into inch lengths, twist and add to contents of the cocktail glass.

Marpole Slug

          Gin     26 oz.

          Sherry     13 oz.

          Local Wine (we used a cherry wine)     26 oz.

          Apple Juice     26 oz.

Same procedure as above. In each mixture more apple juice may be used but the foregoing is a good drink with sufficient “punch” for a cocktail party.


                                                                                                      “F. E. Smith”


Wartime Cocktail Recipes

Wartime Christmas Cheer recipes for the “George and Frank Cocktail” and the “Marpole Slug”