by | Jan 19, 2025 | Animals, Guest Bloggers, Okanagan birder, Pam Laing
Have you noticed the flocks of little birds that seem to be just about everywhere in our valley these days? When they fly you see a flash of black and white on their tails, and they have dark hoods and heads. What are they and where did they come from? They are...
by | Nov 30, 2022 | Guest Bloggers, Natural History, Okanagan birder, Pam Laing
Don’t call them Seagulls! When we live in a valley with a number of lakes, large and small, as well as ponds, riversand creeks, (not to mention large landfill sites), we are bound to see gulls. Non-birdersoften refer to them as Seagulls. But we have no sea anywhere...
by | Nov 23, 2022 | Guest Bloggers, Pam Laing
In our spring posting we took a close look at the three species of Grebe that spend their entire year here, changing plumage into breeding ‘duds’ each spring. Today we’ll focus on the two species that migrate here to breed during our summer. These are the Western...
by | Nov 23, 2022 | Guest Bloggers, Pam Laing
Three Grebes In past postings we’ve looked at many of the ducks that can be seen in our valley annually. Today let’s look at another family of diving birds, the grebes. Five species of grebe come to the Okanagan annually, plus one more occasionally, but only three are...
by | Nov 5, 2022 | Guest Bloggers, Okanagan birder, Pam Laing
More Icterids – Bullock’s Oriole and Western Meadowlark Bullock’s Oriole male In the spring posting we looked at three of the family known as Icterids. Those three were Red-winged Blackbird, Brewer’s Blackbird and Yellow-headed Blackbird. Today let’s turn our...
by | Nov 5, 2022 | Guest Bloggers, Okanagan birder, Pam Laing
Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird, and Brewer’s Blackbird One and perhaps two of today’s birds are probably familiar to you, the other might not be. They are all blackbirds, members of the Icterid family, a group comprising (in our valley) these two, as...
by | Jul 3, 2021 | Natural History, Pam Laing
More Icterids – Bullock’s Oriole and Western Meadowlark In the spring posting we looked at three of the family known as Icterids. Those three were Red-winged Blackbird, Brewer’s Blackbird and Yellow-headed Blackbird. Today let’s turn our attention to two more...
by | Mar 20, 2021 | Pam Laing
Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird, and Brewer’s Blackbird One and perhaps two of today’s birds are probably familiar to you, the other might not be. They are all blackbirds, members of the Icterid family, a group comprising (in our valley) these two, as...
by | Oct 4, 2020 | Pam Laing
At this time of year, when so many of our colourful summer breeding birds are winging their way southwards for the colder months, it is a pleasure to turn our attention to birds that stay here year round. This time let’s focus on our three species of nuthatch,...
by | Jul 3, 2020 | Pam Laing, Uncategorized
Last summer I introduced you to our largest flycatchers, the kingbirds, Eastern Kingbird and Western Kingbird. This year let’s look at other flycatchers that also come here in summer to breed and raise their young on abundant insect food during the warmer months. Some...
by | Jan 16, 2020 | Guest Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Natural History, Pam Laing
Great Blue Heron Moving quietly and slowly, inching forward with neck arched, feet slowly raised thenplaced, and dagger-like beak poised, a Great Blue Heron stalks its prey. Then comes a lunge,a stab – and the fish, frog or cicada is toast. While Great Blue...
by lakecountry | Jul 2, 2019 | Guest Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Natural History, Pam Laing
Eastern and Western Kingbird Kingbirds are large flycatchers. In spite of the names, “Eastern” and “Western” both are regular visitors in our valley during the summer months. Westerns, as you might expect, are only found in the western US, our part of BC, as...