by lakecountry | May 4, 2018 | Bloggers, Community Events, Displays, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
Oyama during World War II The final featured Heritage Marker will be placed where the Okanagan Rail Trail crosses Oyama Road. Like the other markers in the series, this one was prepared with the assistance of a Canada 150 grant. The crossroads of Highway 97 and Oyama...
by lakecountry | Mar 30, 2018 | Bloggers, Thomson, Carol
Continued from blog posts of March 16th and 23rd, 2018 … “As James had predicted, the night clerk was off duty, but the departure of the two men did not go unnoticed. Alf Watson, the ship’s purser, saw them leave and wondered who they were. When the...
by lakecountry | Mar 2, 2018 | Bloggers, Community Events, Displays, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
The fourth heritage marker panel examined in this series is entitled “Water before Rail,” dealing with the transport of fruit and other goods by water, roughly between the opening of the canal connecting Kalamalka and Wood lakes in 1908 and the completion of the...
by lakecountry | Dec 8, 2017 | Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
This Heritage Marker, at the junction of Woodsdale and Lodge roads, is the third featured site along the Okanagan Rail Trail.1 The Thomas Wood Ranch dominated the flats at the south end of Pelmewash or Wood Lake until Wood retired to Victoria in 1903. He subdivided...
by lakecountry | Nov 24, 2017 | Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
The research, design and construction of five heritage markers along the Okanagan Rail Trail is a project of the Lake Country Museum & Archives. It is supported by the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia | Canada 150: Celebrating B.C....