by | Jun 5, 2020 | Thomson, Duane
The adult Thomson children visited their Kalamalka home on occasions for family picnics, to go hunting or to roar around Kalamalka Lake on a hydroplane. Three photos capture some of the spirit of the times. The first is a family picnic with some of the siblings having...
by | May 29, 2020 | Thomson, Duane
The Thomson family moved from their east bench orchard to their new home on Kalamalka Lake in 1929. By this time the children were either teenagers or young adults. The location on the lake was ideal for boating, swimming and diving. In 1932 the boys built a diving...
by lakecountry | May 27, 2016 | Announcements, Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Natural History, Thomson, Carol
The vision of a recreational corridor depends on residents digging deep. Fundraising for the Okanagan Rail Trail between Coldstream and Kelowna began Tuesday, May 17, 2016 with the launch of a $7.86 million campaign. “This is a lot of money. However, if we each...
by lakecountry | May 13, 2016 | Bloggers, Gibbons, Richard, History of Lake Country
“Everyone should believe in something; I believe I’ll go fishing.” (H.D. Thoreau) Our particular part of the Okanagan Valley affords myriad opportunities for recreation. One of the most pleasant, enjoyable and affordable, enjoyed by residents and visitors alike, is...
by lakecountry | Apr 15, 2016 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
The hills and valleys are covered with gold, A sight to see on the winding road. The Sunflower, gay and yellow, Seems to say “Cheer up, old fellow,” I send you a message of hope and cheer, By “Shooting Star” who dwells quite near. Then when I am gone, others are born,...
by lakecountry | Apr 1, 2016 | Bloggers, Community Events, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
One can see the progress — the Okanagan Rail Trail is happening! After removing the tracks1 in January 2016, the Canadian National Railway (CNR) has now picked up the other metal — the...