
Canadian stories of World War II

“Many Canadians are unaware of how broad and important a role Canada played in the Second World War, particularly in the Battle of the Atlantic, arguably the most crucial battle of the entire war, and on the sands at Juno Beach and in the Scheldt region of the...

Preserving military records

As far as I know, only one member of my extended family has ever served in military forces. I’m not proud of that fact – I suspect it’s pure chance that prevented some male members from enlisting. But I am proud of my Uncle Andy. Dr. Andrew Taylor went out to Central...

Thoughts on Liberation

70 Years since World War II Liberation Day “In the final months of the Second World War Canadian forces were given the important and deadly task of liberating the Netherlands from Nazi occupation. From September 1944 to April 1945, the First Canadian Army fought...

Local musician honours the Fallen

The song A Helmet and a Cross bears very special meaning for all those who have experienced a loss of a loved one, particularly as a result of conflict. It also has very special meaning to many who have resided in the Lake Country area for many years as it was written...