by lakecountry | Aug 19, 2016 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
Oft on a clear, fresh summer morn I’ve stood as one deep-rooted to the ground And gazed and gazed upon its loveliness; Taking a deep draught to my thirsty soul. It was the lake of many colors and I thought No man can rob me of this gem – all else may go; Sports,...
by lakecountry | Apr 15, 2016 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
The hills and valleys are covered with gold, A sight to see on the winding road. The Sunflower, gay and yellow, Seems to say “Cheer up, old fellow,” I send you a message of hope and cheer, By “Shooting Star” who dwells quite near. Then when I am gone, others are born,...