by lakecountry | Sep 9, 2016 | Bloggers, Thomson, Carol
Tom [Carney] was always generous in allowing recreational use of the land. In the past it was used by horseback riders, cross-country skiers and others. Rutland Senior High School’s auto shop classes held auto rallies there and the natural amphitheatre below the...
by lakecountry | Aug 26, 2016 | Bloggers, Thomson, Carol
One of my most memorable and nostalgic games of golf was played last fall1 at Quail Ridge. The land on which the Quail Ridge course has been so carefully and skillfully sculpted was previously owned by my father, Tom Carney. He was a pioneer of the Ellison district,...
by lakecountry | Feb 5, 2016 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
In response to last week’s blog post about colourful Tom Carney I have received e-mails from two nieces and a nephew of Tom Carney. These descendants of John Joseph Carney (1859 – 1943) have supplied more interesting information about the Carney family. In...
by lakecountry | Jan 29, 2016 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
Tom Carney was a colourful character. He was born on the Simpson Ranch in Rutland and in 1900 his family moved to the Carney Ranch on Highway 97 just north of the University of British Columbia Okanagan. The capital letters TC are still found on the side of a roadside...