
The Thomson family moved from their east bench orchard to their new home on Kalamalka Lake in 1929. By this time the children were either teenagers or young adults. The location on the lake was ideal for boating, swimming and diving. In 1932 the boys built a diving tower at the end of their dock. Mac Dewar remembers standing at the top staring down at the water, frightened enough to jump rather than dive.  Harold frequently demonstrated his Swan or Jackknife dives to his children, likely a skill learned on this tower.


The first photo features brothers Harold and Charlie constructing the high tower and the second shows a finished product with Charlie looking down from the platform.


Harold and Charlie Thomson building the diving tower, on Kalamalka Lake, 1932


It is not known for how long the boys and their friends enjoyed the tower. By 1932 the three eldest children, Ira, Frank and Roma, were already living away from home and were likely not involved with the tower. Harold moved to Calgary that fall while Charlie and Orma stayed at home for two or three more years.

Charlie Thomson atop the newly constructed diving tower.



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By: Dr. Duane Thomson