There was a time when fish were abundant in the lakes of the Okanagan.
In recent years, however, newspaper headlines have warned us of the dire straits of our local fishery. In the Kelowna Daily Courier reporter Don Plant headlined his piece: Plenty of fish? Not in Wood Lake (January 18, 2013) and Richard Rolke of the Vernon Morning Star wrote: Dwindling fish stock forces new restrictions (January 27, 2013).
To better understand the Kokanee fishery we have added the Kokanee Salmon Heritage Project to our website to provide information on the Kokanee salmon life cycle and challenges.
This project, supervised by local well-known marine biologist Dr. Peter Dill, was funded by the Royal BC Museum and Okanagan University College for inclusion in the RBCM’s Living Landscapes outreach online resource.
Photograph source: George Goulding Collection, Lake Country Museum and Archives