
Uricones is the latest medication that I have investigated. I was disappointed that there was no inclusion in the box but I did find an ad on line, dated about 1939 for this stuff: RHEUMATIC ACHES have been curbed by URICONES.  Sufferers who have taken a few doses of ‘Uricones’ have been gratified by the relief secured. Rheumatic Aches, Arthritis, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, Neuritis, Fibrositis and similar complaints—all have been helped by ‘Uricones’, a reliable remedy for Rheumatic suffering in the pain zones indicated in the diagram [no diagram]. Excess acid in the system is very frequently the cause of suffering. ‘Uricones’ help to free the blood-stream of these pain-causing excess acids, working to rectify a condition that is so frequently the cause of rheumatic aches and pains.”

The “excess acid” in this ad refers to ‘gout’ and indeed the package suggests that gout is treated by this medication as well as rheumatism, lumbago, arthritis, neuritis sciatica, etc.
The symptom that all of these diseases, and some of them are symptoms rather than diseases, is pain. Uricones might very well help. Each capsule contains 1.9 gr. of acetylsalictic acid, more commonly known as Aspirin. The name Aspirin is the property of the Bayer Company founded in Germany in 1863. By 1899 it had registered the name Aspirin worldwide.

The package shows “a human barometer”—a man wearing a bowler hat, bent over and using a cane. He is carrying or has attached to him a barometer-like instrument. I guess this refers to the idea that sufferers from arthritis, lumbago etc. can fortell the weather. I found the following explanation for that:
“Rheumatism” and weather
There has long been said to be a link between “rheumatic” pain and the weather. There appears to be no firm evidence in favour or against; a 1995 questionnaire given to 557 people by A. Naser and others at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Pain Management Center concludes that “changes in barometric pressure are the main link between weather and pain. Low pressure is generally associated with cold, wet weather and an increase in pain. Clear, dry conditions signal high pressure and a decrease in pain”.