by lakecountry | Sep 8, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
John (Jack) Trewhitt was born in Sunderland, England, in 1890 and at the age of 16 he immigrated to Canada. He worked in Manitoba and later bought a homestead in Alberta. In 1914 Trewhitt joined the Army and went overseas. He became a Lieutenant and was presented with...
by lakecountry | Sep 1, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
“The Railroad” was the name used on the earliest colonial maps, before the settlement in Lake Country, to refer to the isthmus at Oyama. The term certainly did not refer to any European-made feature; it had to refer to either a natural or an Okanagan First Peoples...
by lakecountry | Aug 25, 2017 | Bloggers, Jim Taylor
In my last posting to this blog, I told you a few of the things you shouldn’t do in writing memoirs. Now let me suggest some things you should do. First, start writing. Even if you don’t know what to write about, start writing. Write, and write, and write...
by lakecountry | Aug 18, 2017 | Bloggers, Jim Taylor
Her book on writing lay open to the chapter on Memoirs. “I thought I might write my memoirs,” she shrugged. “You know, so I have something to do when I retire.” Great idea. Not as easy as it sounds, though. As a writer, of course I think...
by lakecountry | Jul 21, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
Chain saws are so plentiful today that it is difficult to think of forestry or home gardening without the use of this lightweight portable saw. Chain saws are a twentieth century development, the first being developed in 1918 by a Canadian millwright, James Shand. It...
by lakecountry | Jul 14, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
The first flour mill in the Central Okanagan: excerpts from the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) letters concerning the flour mill built on Mission Creek.1 Father Pierre Richard,2 OMI, accompanied by Father Charles John Felix Adolf Pandosy,3 OMI, arrived in the...
by lakecountry | Jun 30, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Duane
These days Canada Day celebrations are heavily promoted and generally well attended and we can expect some large crowds at celebrations at Canada’s 150th birthday. However, British Columbia has not always had a harmonious relationship within Canada. Confederation is...
by lakecountry | May 26, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Natural History, Thomson, Duane
We read in the newspaper that the current flood conditions are a “once in two hundred year” event. How would we know that? We have no written records for Lake Country before settlement, which began with Tom Wood’s pre-emption of 160 acres at the south end of Pelmewash...
by lakecountry | Apr 23, 2017 | Bloggers, Hayes, Bob, History of Lake Country
The advent of the automobile age, in the early years of the twentieth century, heralded the dawn of a new era in transportation and signalled the slow but steady decline of horse-drawn business and pleasure vehicles. The arrival of automobiles was an historic event....
by lakecountry | Apr 5, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, This Day in History, Thomson, Carol
“On April 5, 1917, BC women got the right to vote in provincial elections. The struggle for the vote really heated up across the country in 1912. Most of the action took place at the provincial level. Richard McBride was the premier and he opposed granting...
by lakecountry | Apr 1, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
Continued from Alex Lord’s recollections: Alex Lord’s British Columbia: introduction to Alex Lord; Alex Lord — Recollections of a Rural School Inspector: Kelowna Beginnings; Alex Lord’s memoirs continued; Alex Lord’s memoirs concluded....
by lakecountry | Mar 24, 2017 | Bloggers, History of Lake Country, Thomson, Carol
Continued from Alex Lord’s Kelowna Beginnings and the introduction to Alex Lord. “Independent incomes did not tend to strengthen either exertion or initiative, and the fruit industry was to experience deep tribulations when it had to be self supporting...
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